Third Announcement

3rd announcement

"Yamada Conference LXXI: Gamma-ray Bursts in the Gravitational Wave Era 2019"
Data: Oct 28 - Nov 1, 2019
Location: Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No. 1, Yokohama, Japan

1. Program

The conference program including both oral and poster presentations is available at:

2. Book your hotel ASAP

In case you haven’t, please book your hotel ASAP. The information about the nearby hotels is available at

3. Access

We prepare the access information 1) from an airport to the Yokohama area and 2) from
a nearby train station to Red Brick Warehouse. Please check the following “access” section:

4. Welcome reception

We will have a welcome reception on the 27th of October (Sunday) at the restaurant located
on the 3rd floor of Red Brick Warehouse No.2. There are fresh oysters, pizza and meats with
various drinks.

Restaurant: Butcher republic (
Location: 3rd floor of Red Brick Warehouse No.2
Time and date: Oct 27 (Sunday) 18:00-20:00

5. Registration

The registration desk is located on the 3rd floor of Red Brick Warehouse No.1 (conference venue).
We will open the registration desk at 17:00-19:00 on the 27th of Oct (Sunday) for those of you who
want to avoid the traffic at the registration desk. The registration desk will be opened during the
conference. It opens at 9:30 (an hour before the conference stars) on Oct 28, and 8:30 (30 minutes
before the conference starts) for the rest of the week.

The receipts for the registration fee will be prepared separately for 1) the registration (30,000 yen
for general registration and 10,000 yen for student registration) and 2) the banquet (5,000 yen)
for all the participants who paid the registration fee. If you need the combined single receipt as
the registration fee, please let us know. We will prepare for the combined receipt at your request.

6. Banquet

The banquet dinner will be on a cruise ship to enjoy a beautiful night view around Yokohama bay.
It is scheduled for Oct 30 (19:00-21:00). We will have Sushi, BBQ and also vegetarian foods with
various kinds of drinks. Since it will be the end of October, it might be a bit cold at night. Don’t forget
to bring a coat.

Cruise ship: Celebrity 2 ( (Japanese page)
Time and date: Oct 30 (Wednesday) 19:00-21:00

7. Drinks and light snacks (mornings and coffee breaks)

We have a preparation of drinks (coffee, black tea, orange juice, and mineral water) in the morning and
the breaks, light snacks (small Baumkuchen, waffle and cakes) in the morning and snacks (cookies,
chocolates, rice crackers, etc) in the breaks. The morning drinks and light snacks are available from
8:30 on 29th, 30th, 31st of October and 1st of November.

8. Poster

The poster board will be A0 size (841 mm x 1189 mm). Please also prepare one slide for one-minute
poster session scheduled on Oct 29.


If you need documents to apply for VISA, please contact us ASAP.

10. Sightseeing

Although we will not have a planned excursion during the conference, we put the links
for the attractive places to visit around the Yokohama area. Please check the "Sightseeing"
section at:

11. Proceeding

We will issue the proceedings of the conference. The current plan about the page limit is
4 pages for an invited talk, 3 pages for a contribution talk and 2 pages for a poster presentation.
Details about the proceedings will be informed at the conference.

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